Meet Dr. Barley

_DSC6344-EditI completed my undergraduate work at UCLA with a degree in psychobiology. I then graduated from UCSD School of Medicine. I finished my residency at the UCDavis affiliated family practice residency program in Merced, California. My wife Katharina Scharruhn, MD and I opened our family practice office in Placerville in 1993.

I am board-certified by the American Academy of Family Medicine and provide routine traditional outpatient medical care including urgent care, wellness care, screening and health care maintenance.


I am certified by the Institute of Functional Medicine and offer many different services, testing, and protocols to support and empower your self care. This is called personalized lifestyle medicine which addresses and corrects upstream problems and promotes your physiology to prevent downstream symptoms and diagnoses.

I look forward to helping my patients using integrative medicine- the best of traditional medicine and functional medicine.