“Health Trek” Program

Health is not just the absence of disease, it is a sense of wellness, vitality and boundless energy. I call the journey to this state of health, your “Health Trek.” Along your path to wellness you will encounter unique obstacles and challenges. You can overcome these challenges by changing your lifestyle. Specifically, areas to address include diet and nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, allergies, toxins, hormones, chronic infections, inflammation and gastrointestinal health.  My staff and I look forward to helping you on your “Health Trek.”

To start your path to health, I need you to fill out the “Health Trek” questionnaire, this serves as the basis of your medical history. To fill out the questionnaire, press “Click Here” or copy the link below and paste in the address line, then register a new account, and create a username and password. The questionnaire takes approximately one hour to complete. The “Health Trek” program boldly goes where no medicine has gone before, so you can live long and prosper.

Click Here or go to the website https://billbarleymd.com/questionnaire/login